Trademark registration specialists:

Trademarks in retail

  • applications for trademark registration in:
    • the UK-only
    • in the 27 EU member states (“community trade mark applications”)
    • multi-jurisdictional “international” applications (Madrid countries)
    • single non-Madrid territories (e.g. the US)
  • oppositions to applications for trademark registration
  • renewals of trademark registrations
  • devising & policing international trademark protection programmes
  • transferring title to registered trademarks by assignments
  • claims for injunctions & damages in infringement of registered trademark and passing off proceedings
  • proceedings for the revocation of registered trademarks & challenges to validity
  • negotiating & documenting trademark licences and franchising
  • securing & transferring domain names
  • devising & policing domain name clean-up programmes

What the team is known for 

Depth of knowledge and experience in prosecution, licensing and litigation concerning brands, designs and copyrighted material. Advises fashion, electronics, drinks and financial services businesses large and small. Recommended for registry procedures and disputes involving overseas jurisdictions

Specialist IP firm Humphreys & Co. also handles contentious work, notably passing off, design and copyright work. Name partner Robert Humphreys leads the practice, working with Tristan Morse.

BREXIT: Status of EU trademarks after Exit Day


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    Trademark registration adds business value
    Trademark registration: company names & logos

    Worldwide brand management

    Registering trademarks & brands for clients:

    • by a single registration across Europe (EU)
    • in individual EU member states (e.g. UK)
    • in the Middle East
    • in the United States (US)
    • in the Far East & Asia
    • in Africa
    • in North & South America.

    Trademark registration strategies

    Registered trademark infringement claims, passing off proceedings, and all IP litigation in the London Intellectual Property courts.

    Advice and representation on registration in all countries, all territories.


    BREXIT NEWS: Status of EU trademarks after Exit Day

    The advantages from trademark registration:

    1. Exclusive Rights: Registering a trade mark grants exclusive rights to use the mark for the goods and services listed in the registration. This means that no one else can use the same or a confusingly similar mark for those goods or services.

    2. Better Ability to Protect Your Brand: A registered trade mark gives you a better ability to protect your brand and stop others from using the same or a similar mark. If someone else attempts to use your mark, you can take legal action against them, provided that you have a valid registration.

    3. Public Notice: A trade mark registration gives public notice of your ownership of the mark and helps to prevent others from adopting a mark that is the same or similar.

    4. Increased Credibility: A trade mark registration can help to make your business more credible in the eyes of customers and potential partners. Registered trade marks are seen as a sign that a business takes its branding seriously and is committed to protecting its intellectual property.

    5. Increased Value: A trade mark registration can help to make your business more valuable, since it is a form of intangible property. A registered trade mark can add to the goodwill associated with a business and can be used as collateral in a loan or other financing agreement.

    Worldwide trademark registration protection

    Registration of trademarks: How significant is the cost of getting trademark registration for your brands in the context of your total advertising spend?

    How much do you spend advertising & promoting the company names you use to brand the origin of your goods and services in your most important world markets?

    How much is your budget for brand registration & protection from infringement & passing off by your competitors in the important markets where your business makes its sales?

    How does it compare with your total marketing budget?

    Is exclusivity in your badges of origin in the market of substantial commercial value for your business?

    If yes, then trademark registration of your brands should be seriously considered. It takes time and expense to build up a loyal consumer base, an investment well worth protecting.

    Registering a trademark, and enforcing that registration though legal proceedings, is protecting your brand.

    Defending your legitimate rights to use your own trade names & trademarks is vital in the marketplace.  

    Brands & branding

    Registered trademark protection: how extensive?

    Almost all countries in the world register and protect trademarks. Each national or regional office maintains a Register of Trademarks which contains full application information on all registrations and renewals, facilitating examination, search, and potential opposition by third parties. The effects of such a registration are, however, limited to the country (or, in the case of a regional registration, countries) concerned.

    In order to avoid the need to register separately with each national or regional office, WIPO administers a system of international registration of marks. This system is governed by 2 treaties, the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Madrid Protocol. A person who has a link (through nationality, domicile or establishment) with a country party to one or both of these treaties may, on the basis of a registration or application with the trademark office of that country, obtain an international registration having effect in some or all of the other countries of the Madrid Union. At present, more than 60 countries are party to one or both of the agreements.

    European trademark registration

    The Community trademark gives its proprietor a uniform right applicable in all Member States of the European Union on the strength of a single procedure which simplifies trade mark policies at European level. It fulfils the three essential functions of a trademark at European level: it identifies the origin of goods and services, guarantees consistent quality through evidence of the company’s commitment to the consumer, and is a form of communication, a basis for publicity and advertising.

    To file a single Europe CTM trademark application in up to 3 classes covering the 28 CTM EU countries we offer a total cost of £1,470* (UK pounds) (including official fees).

    * This costing excludes VAT (chargeable in addition if we are instructed from within the UK) and bank transfer charges and may vary in accordance with exchange rates current from time to time.

    Monopoly brand name rights in commercial markets

    Trademarks in retail

    Trademark registration factsheets

    For details about the benefits of trademark registration, the services we offer and our standard charges please click below to download a factsheet:

    Managing intellectual property rights

    ·      internet ·      joint ventures
    ·      licensing & franchising ·      litigation, arbitration, mediation
    ·      patents (licensing, transfer & litigation) ·      passing off
    ·      trade marks ·      unfair competition
    ·      computer software ·      confidential information
    ·      database rights ·      defamation & malicious falsehood
    ·      employee obligations ·      EU treaty regulations
    ·      information technology ·      music business
    ·      know-how & show-how ·      copyrights
    ·      media & publishing ·      designs (registered & unregistered)
    ·      technology transfer ·      free trade
    ·      business & company acquisitions